Prosto Petro Group

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Our company carries out systematic solutions in order to improve working conditions for our employees. Our main tool of assessment and management of the working conditions the law regulated procedure, called The Special Assessment of Working Conditions (SOUT in Russian). It has replaced the earlier certification procedures in 2014.

As of January 1, 2019, all PPG organizations’ workplaces are covered by SOUT, conducted during 2014-2018. In 2018 SOUT system has begun to operate in the Peterpak LLC in connection with the previous certification of workplaces, as well as in our “Warehouse Operations Division”, the newly created territorially separated division the of Petrotrade LLC. We have scheduled the update of the results assessed during the 5-year period on the May and June of 2019.

Basing on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, according to the measurements, it was decided not to develop special activities, since all the jobs correspond to acceptable working conditions.


You can check the summary data of the working conditions special assessment (SOUT) in Petrotrade LLC, Peterpack LLC and TOP Warehouse Operations Division by the link bellow: